RADIOKABEL ZENEC/XZENT TIL ACV CX401 OG 42a RATBETJENINGER Forside » BILSTEREO TILBEHØR » RATBETJENINGS INTERFACE » RADIOKABLER Varenr.: 42arc108 DKKSEK PRIS ER PR. Stk Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,39,95 DKK På lager hos os Download manual Radiokabel til ZEBEC, XZENT og DIGITAL DYBAMICS med 1 løs ledning, med 4 pin micro molex. passer til cx401 og 42a ratbetjeninger. Husk at indstille dipswitch på ratbetjeningen Radio specific lead 42a / 42cx401 > Digital Dynamic / XZent / Zenec HU manufacturers use different variants for connecting a steering wheel remote control interface. Depending on the manufacturer and device, single-cable controls, two-cable and multi-cable controls as well as jack controls can be used. The connection variant can be found in the manual of the HU manufacturer. All connections must be done before connecting the interface to the vehicle. If necessary, the SWC function must also be programmed in a HU menu according to the HU manufacturer manual. Check for function before final assembly. Note: connector: 4 Pin Molex > single lead SWC radio specific lead 42cx401 SWC interface 42a-xxxx-xxx dip switches (ON/OFF) Use case: Digital Dynamics single lead connector XZent single lead connector Zenec single lead connector DIP switches 42cx401: Digital > Dynamics OFF/OFF/ON Xcent > OFF/OFF/ON Zenec > OFF/OFF/ON Måske er du også interesseret i følgende produkter UNIVERSAL RATBETJENING TIL CAN-BUS DKK 629,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL FIAT/PEUGEOT/OPEL/CITROEN 2014> M/ISO DKK 399,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL DACIA/FIAT/MERCEDES/NISSAN/OPEL/RENAULT MED 12PIN-24PIN-6PIN DKK 399,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL DACIA/FIAT/NISSAN/OPEL/RENAULT/SMART MED 20PIN-32PIN DKK 399,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL FIAT DUCATO 8 2021> MED TLF-SUPPORT DKK 539,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL DIV. CHRYSLER / DODGE / JEEP DKK 1.249,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL LEXUS/TOYOTA DKK 539,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL DIV TOYOTA DKK 539,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL LEXUS/TOYOTA MULTI SÆT DKK 629,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL HYUNDAI/KIA M/ISO-MINI ISO DKK 549,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL HYUNDAI/KIA M/24 OG 18 PIN STIK DKK 549,00 RAT INTERFACE TIL HYUNDAI/KIA MULTI KIT DKK 629,00