RADIORAMME MERCEDES CL 1999 > 2006 SORT Forside » BILSTEREO TILBEHØR » RADIORAMMER » MERCEDES Varenr.: 4504691 DKKSEK PRIS ER PR. Stk Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,329,00 DKK På lager hos vores leverandør Radioramme med monteringsdele. Passer til vehicles with full-length centre console and one-piece 2-DIN OEM HU adjust brackets with workshop tools if necessary Vehicle application: (WITH ORIGINAL COMMAND 2.0 RADIOS) Mercedes CL-class (C215) 07/1999 - 08/2006 (CL500 W215) Mercedes S-class (W220) 11/1998 - 09/2005 Colour: black Mounting cutout HU display: 173 mm x 98 mm