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Plug and play kabel som passer til Axton A542DSP og A592DSP samt Emphaser EA-D800
C1 (2G) 2014 until today
GS (2G - Type JZS160) 2003 - 2005
GX470 (1G) 2003 - 2009
IS (1G - Type XE1) 2001 - 2005
108 2014 until today
GT 2012 until today
4Runner (2G - Type N130) 1989 - 1995
4Runner (3G - Type N180) 1995 - 2002
4Runner (4G - Type N210) 2002 - 2009
4Runner (5G - Type N280) 2009 until today
Auris (1G - Type E150) 2006 - 2012
Avensis (1G Type T22) 1998 - 2003
Avensis (2G Type T25) 2003 - 2009
Avensis (3G - Type T27) 2009 - 2015
Avensis (3G Type T27) 2015 until today
Avensis Verso 2001 - 2005
Aygo (2G) 2014 until today
Camry (4G Type XV20) 1996 - 2001
Camry (5G Type XV30) 2001 - 2006
Camry (6G - Type XV40) 2006 - 2011
Carina 1988 - 2001
Celica (7G Type T23) 1999 - 2005
Celica (G1 to G6) 1986 - 1999
Corolla (1G to 8G) 1988 - 2001
Corolla (9G - Type E120) 2002 - 2007
Corolla (10G - Type E14/E15) 2007 - 2013
Corolla (11G - Type E160/E170) 2013 until today
Corolla Verso (2G - Type E120N) 2001 - 2004
Corolla Verso (2G - type ZER/ZZE) 2004 - 2009
GT86 all models 2012 until today
Highlander (1G) 2001 - 2007
Hilux (7G - Type N25) 2005 until today
Land Cruiser (12G - Type J12) 2002 - 2009
MR2 (2G - Type W2) 1989 - 1999
MR2 (3G - Type W3) 1999 - 2007
Paseo 1991 - 1999
Picnic 1990 - 1999
Previa (1G - Type XR10/XR20) 1990 - 1999
Previa (2G - Type XR30/XR40) 2000 - 2006
Prius (3G - Type ZVW30) 2009 until today
RAV4 (1G - Type SXA10/11/15/16) 1994 - 2000
RAV4 (2G - Type ACA20/21/ZCA25/26) 2001 - 2006
RAV4 (3G - Type CA30W) 2006 - 2010
RAV4 (4G - Type XA40) 2013 until today
Starlet (9G - Type P9) 1996 - 1999
Supra (2G - Type JZA80) 1993 - 2003
Tercel (5G - Type L50) 1994 - 2000
Verso all models 2009 until today
Verso-S all models 2010 until today
Yaris (1G - Type P1) 1999 - 2005
Yaris (2G - Type XP9) 2006 - 2011
Yaris (3G - Type XP13) before model update 2011 - 2016
Yaris Verso 1999 - 2005
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