CONNECTION MP PGI METER Forside » KABLER » STRØM/12V » REMOTE/INSTALLATIONS KABEL » METER Varenr.: MP PGI DKKSEK Før28,00PRIS ER PR. Meter Pris ved køb af 1 Meter,14,00 DKK 60 Meter På lager hos os Mainpower service cabel (MP PGI) 3 CONDUCTORS: 2 x 14 AWG power and ground conductors, 1x16 AWG remote turn on wire 2x 2mm2 + 1x 1,25mm2 for nem montering af udstyr. ALL IN ONE wire bundle for easy, time saving installation SOFT TOUCH™ jacket to enhance the feel and flexibility BLUE & SILVER translucent matte finish jacket for enhanced cosmetics RESISTANT JACKET against abrasion, heat and chemicals; made of ELEC 88 CONVENIENT for powering processors and accessories Kunder købte også VELCROTAPE 1M HAN/HUN DKK 22,25 AUDIO SYSTEM MQ-BL BEKLÆDNINGSFILT SORT 0,7 X 1,5 M MED LIMBAGSIDE DKK 159,00 CALIBER Ring terminal, 10mm2 M5 DKK 29,95