AudioCircle Stuttgart Line 6.5" COAX Forside » MÆRKER » AUDIOCIRCLE Varenr.: 230706 SL-X6 DKKSEK PRIS ER PR. Sæt Pris ved køb af 1 Sæt,699,00 DKK På lager hos os Rainbow blev til Audiocircle. Stuttgart Line The big Easy of the “circle” – the focus is on the essential. Less is more, not leaving our demanding ears out of consideration. The focus is on easy life – easy installation. We have retained the features of our technology, but have given higher priority to easy install. Stuttgart Line 6.5″ Coaxial speakers 230706 · SL-X6 2 Wegesystem aktiv / 2-way set active SL-X6 Coaxial 6.5″ Coaxial set, PP cone, 6,5″ steel basket, 20 mm Silk dome Tweeter Handling power: 85 W Min. AMP power: 15 Watt Frequency response: 65 – 20.000 Hz Impendance: 3,2 Ohm Mounting diameter: 165 mm DiN Mounting depth: 62 mm Måske er du også interesseret i følgende produkter AUDIO SYSTEM SKUM HØJTTALER RING 6-6,5" (AD SPCI) PR.SÆT. DKK 49,95