AUDIOCIRCLE FL-X6 MKII Frankfurt Line 6.5" COAX Forside » MÆRKER » AUDIOCIRCLE Varenr.: 230906 FL-X6MKII DKKSEK PRIS ER PR. Sæt Pris ved køb af 1 Sæt,899,00 DKK På lager hos os Download manual Rainbow blev til Audiocircle. Frankfurt Line Here the “circle” begins – the focus is on the essential. Less is more, not leaving our demanding ears out of consideration. We have retained the features of our technology, but have given higher priority to usability and practicality The size of the components is a guarantee for trouble-free installation. Audiocircle steel basket with standard DIN dimensions and structured paper membrane. The sound character remains in balance. FL-X6MKII Coaxial-set FL-X6 Coaxial 6.5″ Coaxial set, special paper cone, 6,5″ steel basket, 20mm Silk dome Tweeter Handling Power: 120 W Min. AMP power: 15 Watt Frequency Responce: 50 – 22.000 Hz Impendance: 3,2 Ohm Mounting diameter: 165 mm DiN Mounting Depth: 62 mm Måske er du også interesseret i følgende produkter AUDIO SYSTEM SKUM HØJTTALER RING 6-6,5" (AD SPCI) PR.SÆT. DKK 49,95 Kunder købte også HØJTTALER RAMME OPEL DIV 2008> DKK 149,00 HT-ADAPTOR CHEVROLET, FORD, MAZDA, OPEL (2 stk.h+v) DKK 39,00 AUDIO SYSTEM CARBON 500.1D DKK 1.499,00